Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This past week Jared was out of town so I decided to start my own line of Spring skirts! I went to the fabric store and bought some material and a pattern and made it halfway through the cutting of the fabric before I thew the pattern away and started to wing it. I dont know if any of you have ever tried to read a pattern, but it is a whole new language. The last time I worked with a pattern it was in 4-H and I must have had my mother there to be my translator.

Anyways this is what I came up with, the first one was made partly from the pattern and new material. I was about a 1/4 inch off when I actually sewed the pieces together, but who cares, Im the only one who will actually notice.

This second skirt was a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle project. This is a jean skirt that I never wore, so I cut it shorter and added some flair.

This is my favorite, another Reduce Reuse Recycle. This was made of the pant legs of two of my favorite pairs of pants. The brown pair had been attacked by my cruiser bike chain, the blue pair's ass decided to give out on me. So now I have one skirt and two pairs of garden shorts!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008


This is dedicated to our Riley, she probably will not be with us for much longer. Jared can explain the details better then I can. We will miss her dearly, she is our baby. Here are some photos that just might bring a smile to your face, especially if you know her.

Riley sunbathing in the window of our house at SLC.

cuddled up with all her blankets and pillows

making herslef comfortable on the pew at my parents house

making herself comfortable in Tristan's (small neighbor dog) bed.

playing ball with Yaz